Wednesday, 14 October 2015


St.Munchin’s Church and graveyard, King’s Island, Limerick.

Eilis Mc Donnell, Director of photography


After receiving the assignment, our group; Caroline, Barry, Ciara and myself got together to discuss the project and possible locations to shoot. The crew agreed that for this exercise, we should pick a location close-by in case we needed to re-visit the site. As there were a few ideas we decided to think about it overnight with the intention to make a choice the following day and then go and scout it out.

The next morning we decided that we would walk by the river heading towards the Villier’s Alms Houses area in King’s Island keeping an open mind to what might inspire us on route. ie; the river itself, King John’s Castle, St. Munchin’s Church and the Villier’s Alms Houses. After walking round the area a couple of times, we decided to focus on St. Munchin’s church and graveyard. While exploring the grounds we discussed several themes; contrasts, life and death, life after death, cold grey headstones and beauty of nature, peace and calm, etc. The lighting was perfect that day as the sun was casting shadows and highlighting colour amidst the grey stone. We came up with ideas of where we might film our shots to convey our theme. We discussed how the weather on the day of filming might also sway our theme.

When we returned to the studio, we checked our schedules and forecast for the following week and we made a plan to go filming Tuesday, October 6th, with the possibility of more shooting on Wednesday 7th as the weather was promising. It was decided that Caroline would be director, Barry would be sound manager, Ciara would be production manager and I would be director of photography. Later, I wrote some notes and brainstormed some titles to go with our earlier thoughts.

October 6th: When we arrived on location, I shared my ideas with the crew. We decided, rather than be morbid and dark we would try to show the beauty and sense of calm within the graveyard and came up with words like Tranquility, Serenity and Peacefulness. We had decided to film from the entrance of the graveyard and make our way inwards to show the graveyard in context with the church. I set up the equipment but had difficulty attaching the camera securely to the tripod, which caused the camera to wobble. I realized that I should have practiced using the camera in advance to become familiar with the functions and technicalities of shooting beforehand. Ciara tried to hold the camera steady while I filmed. It was very difficult as there were so many things to consider at one time.

We worked as a group looking at camera angles and subject matter and making decisions where to pan, tilt, whether to zoom in or out and take stills.
We planned to take plenty of footage that could be edited later. When we returned to the studio and downloaded the material we decided that we needed to redo some of the shots. The footage was shaky, the lighting was dull and we had more time to re-assess what we wanted to capture, i.e.: more close-up shots, slower takes, better angles etc. The first clips helped us re-focus.

We gathered again the next day, October 7th. This time the camera was steady.
I worked closely with Barry who also contributed footage as he had previous experience with filming. I also asked the crew to give their input into the angle and shot selections etc., while looking into the lens so that the crew was happy with my choices. It was interesting to get different peoples takes on the same subject matter.

Back at the studio, the new shots were downloaded and the crew discussed which clips we liked. The final clips chosen were combined from both days filming and using both footage from myself and Barry. We decided that Serenity was the final title, initially having leaned towards Tranquility but both having similar meaning.

The crew edited the shots in Premier Pro and chose music to accompany it.
We all briefly discussed and experimented with type treatment for title and credits to accompany the video, which we wanted to keep simple but not too sterile.

I feel I contributed a lot to this project in terms of suggestions of locations, themes music and opinions but I mostly learned a lot from working within a crew and seeing how each person contributed their own thoughts and skills to the group.

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